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about us

our pastor
















Rev. Janet Horman


Janet Horman was ordained a deacon in 1985 and an Elder in the FL Conference of the United Methodist Church in 1988 .  Following her earlier appointments as a Pastor, Janet returned to school at GA State University in Atlanta GA  in 1992 to obtain a law degree.


While in law school she worked with the United Methodist Children's Home in Decatur GA.  Following law school, she combined law and ministry by joining with 2 other women in Northern VA to start the non profit free immigration legal services ministry known as Just Neighbors Ministry.


Later, Justice For Our Neighbors, through the support of Global Ministries, established sites in numerous locations and National Justice For Our Neighbors was born. Janet went back to serving as a local church pastor in 2001 and was appointed to Killian Pines UMC.Following the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, Janet returned to immigration legal work as the need for immigration assistance to the immigration community was dire.Appointed as a Church and Community Worker through Global Ministries of the UMC, Janet served as a home based missionary serving the FL Justice For Our Neighbors ministry. Janet returned once again to the pastorate on July 1 and is thrilled to return to Killian Pines UMC as pastor.


She is the adoptive mother of 3 .young adults and is thankful daily for that gift.

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our faith








We are a United Methodist congregation who holds fast to the teachings of The United Methodist Church. We believe in the God who created the world and all that is in it. We believe that Jesus being both fully human and fully divine is the incarnate embodiment of the fullest expression of God’s love alive in the world. We believe that the Holy Spirit guides us and empowers us along the way that leads to life. We believe in the Triune God recognized as: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God and hold fast to the teachings of both the Old and New Testaments. The gift of God’s Grace is center in our life and teaching. We believe that the life, death, and
resurrection of Jesus reconciles us to God, each other, and all of creation.
Our life together is ordered around the living of the Kingdom of God realities, so that we might be  partnered with God in rising Heaven all around us here on the earth.

our mission

Our purpose as members of the Killian Pines United Methodist Church is to nurture, support, and sustain ALL persons in their search for a closer relationship with God and His Son, Jesus Christ. We are a fellowship of believers who are working in the service of God with our goal to provide a setting wherein each person will be accepted, receive encouragement, hear the Good News and live it, enjoy fellowship with one another, learn to share his/her gifts (talents), experience faith in action, and know that she/he is a beloved member of the Family of God.

Through our daily life and action we seek to be witnesses for Jesus Christ by our regular attendance and sharing our time, talent, and treasures. We want to strive always to carry out the work of Christ in our community by reaching everyone in all corners of the world.

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